Utah's most prestigious program for Certified Nursing Assistant Training, ccCNA has trained more CNA students than any other school in Utah!
The name ccCNA stands for Carol's and Claudia's CNA classes! Claudia and Carol are your instructors, as well as the owners of the company, and they take personal pride and enjoyment in providing you with the utmost in quality CNA instruction.
Carol started teaching nurse aides in 1991 as a clinical instructor for Woods Cross High School. In 1995 Pioneer Valley Hospital asked Carol to arrange a CNA class to assimilate and train their employees. Carol acquired the mandatory state education and began teaching CNA courses. Life was so simple then!
Carol didn't give much thought to CNA education beyond the hospital until nursing homes started calling her and requesting classes. She went around the valley teaching classes at nursing homes, carrying all her supplies in the back of her car. Eventually she started teaching one class every other month on-site at Pioneer Valley Hospital. In 1999 she asked Claudia if she wanted to help teach classes. Around 2002 classes started to pick up in frequency and enrollment.
In 2003 ccCNA was official created and we moved into the old Doxey Hatch building across from St Marks Hospital. In 2005 we moved to Sugar House across from the library. That building was torn down in 2007 (now the sugar hole), and we spent another year in Sugar House before moving to West Jordan in 2008. We finally moved to Midvale in 2011. A class that at one time was taught with the contents from the back of a car now takes three full classrooms!
Over the years Carol an Claudia have taught thousands of students. One of the most asked questions is “don’t you get tired of teaching the same thing?” The answer is “no, like a snow flake every class is different.” While the content is the same the classroom dynamics are always changing. It’s always a new and unique combination of individuals. We are constantly updating our materials and the way we teach in an effort to improve the quality of education we provide and the pass rate of our students.
Carol and Claudia are proud to have been the stepping stone for hundreds of nurses in the valley as well as doctors, respiratory therapists, physical therapists and other healthcare professionals. We hope to keep teaching long past the time most people retire.
The ccCNA nurse aide program is approved and monitored by the Utah Nursing Assistant Registry (UNAR), 500 East 300 South, Kaysville, Utah 84037, 801-547-9947; which operates under the guidance of the Nursing Home Reform Act, adopted by Congress as part of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1987.